We are conducting compensated Zoom interviews with headphone users.

We are providing $125 USD compensation for those who qualify, are selected, and complete an approximately 60-minute Zoom interview.

We’re interested in better understanding your perceptions and experiences with audio devices. This study is confidential and for research purposes only.

If you’re interested, we would first like to see if this study is a fit. Please take the pre-screening survey below to be considered. If the project is a fit, we will get in touch 😊

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. What country were you born?

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* 3. What country do you currently live in?

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* 4. What is your gender?

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* 5. What is your age?

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* 6. Do you use any of these types of audio devices with your smartphone?
We have added an image below for reference.
For reference

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* 7. If you selected any of the devices above please write down the BRAND of each device you use.
Ex: Earbuds: "brand"

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* 8. How do you feel about using earbuds, headsets, or headphones for sports?

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* 9. Does any of these descriptions describe you? Please select all that apply.

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* 10. Please, describe in 4 to 6 sentences the importance of Headphones in your day-to-day life:

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* 11. If you had to invite a famous person to dinner, who would you invite and why? What would you cook for them?