Feedback Questions

Based on the Overview training:

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* 1. I have been better able to identify opportunities to partner/work with other Services and Offices in order to perform my job duties.

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* 2. I have continued the networking relationships initiated during the AVS Overview, which has helped me in performing my job duties.

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* 3. I have been able to recognize elements of the AVS Strategic Initiatives and AVS Values, which helps me to better understand and appreciate my job duties.

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* 4. I find it easier to understand and relate to high-level concepts such as chain-of-command and decision making processes since the face-to-face with AVS leadership.

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* 5. I have been able to apply my new knowledge of the Quality Management System and Safety Management System directly to performance of my job duties.

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* 6. I have applied my increased understanding of FAA as a regulatory agency to the way I perform my job and customer service duties.

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* 7. I often use the knowledge gained about the AVS structure in performing my  job duties.

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* 8. Immediately after completing the course,

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* 9. The information shared during the course:

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* 10. Please provide specific examples of how applying what you learned in the course improved your work experience.

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* 11. Which parts of the knowledge gained from the course have you used MOST often?

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* 12. Which parts of the knowledge gained from the course have you used LEAST often?