Your input enriches our Church community!

Please take a few minutes to reflect on the last six months at St. Paul's.  Any input and thoughts you have about how things are going, what you like, dislike, and dream about are welcome!

Question Title

* 1. Select things that are pleasing you at St. Paul's.

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* 2. If you selected "other", please describe

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* 3. Select things that are displeasing you at St. Paul's.

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* 4. If you selected "other", please describe.

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* 5. Please provide any input you wish about how you'd like things to be different.

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* 6. If you would like to receive follow up from a member of the vestry to talk about your concerns, please provide your name.

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* 7. I wish St. Paul's...

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* 8. I wish Pastor Rebecca...

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* 9. I chose to put roots down at St. Paul's because

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* 10. If you were going to cast a vision for St. Paul's, in mission or worship, what would it be? What idea would you propose?