Your feedback helps us improve the Bible studies on YouVersion. Please answer the following questions about the audio Bible story you just completed. Question Title * 1. Which story did you just hear? Palm Sunday Resurrection Sunday Thursday - Last Supper Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. How likely is it that you would recommend this audio Bible story to a friend or colleague? Not at all likely Extremely likely 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Question Title * 3. Did you experience God's peace through this story? No or not sure Yes, somewhat Yes, a lot Question Title * 4. What was your highlight of the Bible story? Question Title * 5. Is there anything we could do to improve the Bible story experience for you? Question Title * 6. Please rate the following aspects of the speakers voice No Somewhat Yes Absolutely! Their voice was peaceful Their voice was peaceful No Their voice was peaceful Somewhat Their voice was peaceful Yes Their voice was peaceful Absolutely! I could hear clearly I could hear clearly No I could hear clearly Somewhat I could hear clearly Yes I could hear clearly Absolutely! I liked the pace I liked the pace No I liked the pace Somewhat I liked the pace Yes I liked the pace Absolutely! The speaker was relatable The speaker was relatable No The speaker was relatable Somewhat The speaker was relatable Yes The speaker was relatable Absolutely! Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. How helpful would the following be for you? Not helpful / not sure Somewhat helpful Very helpful Amazingly helpful Bedtime Bible stories for kids Bedtime Bible stories for kids Not helpful / not sure Bedtime Bible stories for kids Somewhat helpful Bedtime Bible stories for kids Very helpful Bedtime Bible stories for kids Amazingly helpful Bible stories for going to sleep Bible stories for going to sleep Not helpful / not sure Bible stories for going to sleep Somewhat helpful Bible stories for going to sleep Very helpful Bible stories for going to sleep Amazingly helpful Bible stories for morning devotions Bible stories for morning devotions Not helpful / not sure Bible stories for morning devotions Somewhat helpful Bible stories for morning devotions Very helpful Bible stories for morning devotions Amazingly helpful Bible story series for in-depth reflection Bible story series for in-depth reflection Not helpful / not sure Bible story series for in-depth reflection Somewhat helpful Bible story series for in-depth reflection Very helpful Bible story series for in-depth reflection Amazingly helpful Next