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Post COVID-19 Restrictions Questionnaire

Dear colleagues,

In the COVID-19 era, which was marked by limitations of social isolation and strict protective measures and hygiene, we observed a sharp decrease in acute respiratory illnesses (other than COVID19) and a drop in exacerbations of chronic respiratory diseases.
Towards future removal of the restrictions, we would like to know if you would recommend to your patients to continue to adhere to some of the recommendations of the COVID-19 period to keep the benefits of reduced non COVID-19 respiratory infections.

Attached is an anonymous research questionnaire which takes only about 3 minutes to complete.

We thank you for your time and consideration in answering this questionnaire.

For additional details, please contact-

Karin Yaacoby-Bianu M.D.

Pediatric Pulmonology Unit and CF Center

Carmel Medical Center

Technion- Israel Institute of Technology, B. Rappaport Faculty of Medicine


Michal Shteinberg M.D., Ph.D.

Pulmonology Institute and CF Center

Carmel Medical Center

Technion- Israel Institute of Technology, B. Rappaport Faculty of Medicine

1.What is your field of practice?
2.For medical doctors (if you replied 1 a or b) – How many years are you practicing medicine in the field mentioned above?
3.Who is the majority of your patient population?
4.What is your workplace?
5.In which country do you work?
6.Under which conditions would you consider recommending wearing a face mask?
I will certainly recommend (strongly agree)
I think I will recommend (agree)
I will refrain from expressing an opinion (neither agree nor disagree)
Unnecessary in my opinion (disagree)
Not relevant to my occupation
Indoors (for example, visiting friends)
On flights and airports
In crowded places (eg, buses, concert halls, church/synagogue/prayer house)
In places of concentrations of patients (eg, waiting rooms of clinics)
In physiotherapy or respiratory rehabilitation centers
7.To which patients would you recommend continuing to wear a mask?
I will certainly recommend (strongly agree)
I think I will recommend (agree)
I will refrain from expressing an opinion (neither agree nor disagree)
Unnecessary in my opinion (disagree)
Not relevant to my occupation
To patients with a chronic lung disease
To patients with a cardiovascular disease, diabetes, overweight and conditions determined to be associated with increased risk for COVID-19 adverse outcomes
To patients with conditions or medications that cause immunosuppression
8.To which patients will you recommend continuing partial social isolation (eg, avoid the use of public transportation, going to movie theatres or concert halls)
I will certainly recommend (strongly agree)
I think I will recommend (agree)
I will refrain from expressing an opinion (neither agree nor disagree)
Unnecessary in my opinion (disagree)
Not relevant to my occupation
To patients with a chronic lung disease
To patients with a cardiovascular disease, diabetes, overweight and conditions determined to be associated with increased risk for COVID-19 adverse outcomes
To patients with conditions or medications that cause immunosuppression
9.Which patients will you recommend disinfection of hands (eg, carrying hand sanitizers)?
I will certainly recommend (strongly agree)
I think I will recommend (agree)
I will refrain from expressing an opinion (neither agree nor disagree)
Unnecessary in my opinion (disagree)
Not relevant to my occupation
To patients with a chronic lung disease
To patients with a cardiovascular disease, diabetes, overweight and conditions determined to be associated with increased risk for COVID-19 adverse outcomes
To patients with conditions or medications that cause immunosuppression
10.Where and when would you consider recommending using inhalers over nebulizers?
I will certainly recommend (strongly agree)
I think I will recommend (agree)
I will refrain from expressing an opinion (neither agree nor disagree)
Unnecessary in my opinion (disagree)
Not relevant to my occupation
In emergency rooms
In inpatient wards
In the patient's home (shared rooms)
In the patient's home (separate room with open window)
Thank you for answering the questionnaire!