Are you ready to comply with the Modern Slavery Act?

Please choose which of the four answers best suit company's situation. 

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* 1. Your senior management is committed to addressing
modern slavery in your operations and supply chains.

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* 2. The identification of modern slavery is integrated into your supply chain management and business operations.

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* 3. The issue of modern slavery is important to your team, customers and stakeholders.

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* 4. Your staff are informed about modern slavery.

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* 5. Your company has the following documents. (Tick which are relevant)

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* 6. Thank you for completing this survey. Please provide your name and contact details so we can send you the results. 

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* 7. How would you rate our Modern Slavery presentation?

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* 8. Please provide a testimonial (optional).

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* 9. Do we have your permission to use your testimonial for marketing purposes?