Madlibs Vision Statement

Using the Mad Libs-style vision format below, please fill in the blanks to create your personal desired vision statement for the county. The vision statement should generally be positive, visionary, and forward thinking. Following the workshop, County staff will compile all responses to form an overall vision statement for Siskiyou County.

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* 1. In 2050, Siskiyou County will be a ______________________ place to live.

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* 2. It has grown into a ___________________________ area, with __________________________________ amenities.

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* 3. Siskiyou County is now defined by its ________________________.

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* 4. At the same time, the county has maintained its ________________________ and embraced its ___________________________.

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* 5. Siskiyou County’s economy is ________________________________, supported by ___________________________.

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* 6. It is well-known throughout the greater region for its ________________________.

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* 7. Would you like to receive updates about the General Plan updates via email? If so, please put your email address in the space below. This is not a requirement in order to submit your survey responses.
All email addresses collected over the course of the General Plan Update will exclusively be used to send e-blasts, newsletters, and other important project updates.