
What is this survey for? 

The Irish Network Against Racism (INAR) has been asked by the Policing Authority of Ireland to produce a report on the policing experiences of people of African descent and Brazilians in Ireland.  
This survey will collect information about the experiences you have had with the police (Garda Síochána) in Ireland. 

We will ask your opinion on the police service, and about any direct contact you have had with the police, in general, or as a victim of crime, or if you were stopped or questioned by police for any reason. 

This survey will take 15-25 minutes to answer. 

What information do I have to give? 
All of the questions are optional. We would like you to provide as much information as possible. 

You do not have to give your name or contact details unless you would like to be part of our interviews.

If you have any questions about the survey, you can stop the survey and contact us for more information. 
After the survey, you are welcome to contact us if you are concerned about the information you have provided.
You can also withdraw information later if you change your mind about it (up to 30 June 2023).

Please contact with any questions.

How do we use your information? 
We will use all the information collected from the surveys to write a report on a range of experiences of policing. 
Your personal details will not be shared with any person or used for any purpose outside of this research.
Your name or other identifying details will not be published.

Can a person under 18 complete the survey?

If you are aged under 18, please ask a parent or guardian to review this information about consent and complete the survey with you. More guidance is available on our website.

If you are a parent/guardian completing this survey with a person under 18, please review this information with them carefully to ensure that they understand what will be asked of them in the survey and be able to provide support after the completion of the survey.

It is essential that the person under 18 has full information about the research in order to give their informed consent to take part, and that consent is freely volunteered.  

Do you need help with filling out the survey?

If so please give us your email address and we will contact you.

Question Title

* 1. If you need help filling out the survey, please give us your email address and we will contact you.

6% of survey complete.