PADEP Local Climate Action Program Application Form

The DEP is partnering with ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability USA (ICLEI) and PA colleges/universities to provide assistance to local governments in the development of climate action plans. The free training & technical assistance program begins August 2021 and runs through June 2022. DEP will attempt to secure college students who will assist 20 local governments in their quest to create a greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory and climate action plan (CAP). The local government/student teams will develop a community-wide GHG inventory during fall semester 2021. The goal for spring semester 2022 is to develop a draft CAP, using the GHG inventory as a baseline. Participating local governments & students will access ICLEI's ClearPath tool for GHG inventories and climate planning scenario analysis, as well as templates and technical assistance to guide each participant in the development of these products.

Read more about DEP's Local Climate Action Program (LCAP) here:

The estimated time commitment is as follows:
GHG inventory- 120 hours (up to ~96 hrs can be allocated to student) ~ 7hrs /week
Climate Action Plan- 190 hours (up to ~114 can be allocated to student) or ~12 hrs / week

Please be aware that by submitting this online form you, the primary contact for your local government, are agreeing to the following expectations:

You are confirming your commitment to participate in LCAP 2021-2022 for the full 11-month long program and have received all necessary approvals at your local level to do so.  You will be notified via email if we have enough room for your local government, as we can only take on 20 total. 

You will keep the lines of communication open between ICLEI, your assigned student, and your local government, as well as provide any data/information requested by your student in a timely manner.

You will be able to start the fall cohort during the 1st week in August, prior to your student being able to assist later that month. Utilities can take a long time to respond to data requests for the GHG inventory, so we need to get those sent out early.  Most students, except Drexel's, will be done with their spring semester by mid-May at the latest.  Thus, you will have to finalize your draft CAP on your own those last few weeks in spring 2022.

You will need to fill in the data request templates & send them to the appropriate contacts at your utilities. If there are many shared utilities by our LCAP participants, then DEP may be able to send bulk requests on behalf of those local governments. However, you will still be responsible to send some data requests on your own.

In December 2021, you will need to start assembling a community stakeholder committee to provide input & oversee the CAP development process in spring semester 2022. Stakeholders can consist of residents, businesses, farmers, nonprofits, environmental justice communities, higher ed institutions, K-12 school personnel, healthcare providers, and manufacturers in your municipality.

All questions below marked with an asterisk (*) MUST be completed.
1.City/Township/Borough/County Name*
2.Primary Staff*
Please provide the full name, title, email address, AND phone number for the primary staff member or volunteer who will manage the efforts of any student assistant and serve as liaison to ICLEI.
3.Secondary Contact
It is recommended but not required to have a secondary point of contact.  Please provide the full name, title, email address, AND phone number for your secondary contact.
4.What are your goals in developing a community GHG inventory?  Check all that apply*
5.What staffing arrangement will work best for your community? *
6.DEP will strive to secure university students for the fall & spring semester who will be matched with participating local governments. However, it is not a guarantee.  Thus, would your local government be able to do this work on its own (i.e. entirely led by a local government staffer or community volunteer)? *
7.Describe the experience of your local government staff and/or volunteers who will be participating in LCAP (all levels are welcome, but the answer to this question will help tailor the training) *
8.PADEP has secured U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) funding for this program, which requires that certain deliverables are provided to DOE. To satisfy these requirements, DEP will request read-only access to your community's GHG inventory data as well as a copy of your draft & final Climate Action Plan. Is this acceptable? *