COVID-19 Impacts

In order for us to help our state and federal partners deploy resources, we are requesting that our industries take time in the coming days to fill out the survey. Should you have any immediate concerns, please contact HCPED as soon as possible. Up to date resources will be posted on
1.Company Name 
2.Has your company had to layoff or furlough employees due to COVID-19?
3.How many employees have been impacted?
4.Has your company felt a supply chain interruption during COVID-19?
5.Has your company felt a financial impact due to COVID-19?
6.What is the estimated financial impact of COVID-19 on your business?
7.Would you be interested in cash flow assistance? 
8.What business continuity concerns do you have?
9.What challenges do you foresee with your workforce? Include support your employees may need.
10.Additional comments