Early engagement survey - Redfern Park Playground, Redfern Question Title * 1. Can you tell us a bit about the playground in its current state? We'd like to understand what you value in the space, what works well and what doesn't? Question Title * 2. How often do you use Redfern Park Playground? Every day Once a week Once a month Once every six months Less than once every six months Never Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. What age groups currently use the playground? (select all that apply) Under 5 years old 5 to 9 years old 10+ years old Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Do you think this playground should cater to a different age range? Yes No Not sure Question Title * 5. Can you please explain why you made the above selection and, if relevant, what ages you think this playground should cater to? Question Title * 6. We'd like to find what you like/dislike about the current equipment and play experiences at this park (eg. play structure, swings, sliding, climbing net, surface materials etc.) I like: I dislike: Question Title * 7. On a scale of 1 to 5, how important are the following provisions when upgrading this playground (1 = not important and 5 = very important)? 1 2 3 4 5 Providing new formal play structures (example: play tower with slides, swings etc) Providing new formal play structures (example: play tower with slides, swings etc) 1 Providing new formal play structures (example: play tower with slides, swings etc) 2 Providing new formal play structures (example: play tower with slides, swings etc) 3 Providing new formal play structures (example: play tower with slides, swings etc) 4 Providing new formal play structures (example: play tower with slides, swings etc) 5 Providing natural elements (e.g. sandstone boulders) Providing natural elements (e.g. sandstone boulders) 1 Providing natural elements (e.g. sandstone boulders) 2 Providing natural elements (e.g. sandstone boulders) 3 Providing natural elements (e.g. sandstone boulders) 4 Providing natural elements (e.g. sandstone boulders) 5 Providing barrier protection (fencing /planting) to the playground Providing barrier protection (fencing /planting) to the playground 1 Providing barrier protection (fencing /planting) to the playground 2 Providing barrier protection (fencing /planting) to the playground 3 Providing barrier protection (fencing /planting) to the playground 4 Providing barrier protection (fencing /planting) to the playground 5 Question Title * 8. What other playgrounds or parks do you use in the area? Why? The information will be held by the City of Sydney and not shared with any third parties, in line with the City's Privacy Management Plan. Next