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We want to hear from you!

We are seeking input from travelers who use the Northeast 179th Street interchange at I-5 in Clark County. WSDOT is in the early design phase, and your feedback is crucial in shaping the design of the new interchange.

This project will include roundabouts to keep people moving safely and reduce congestion. A proposed shared-use path will serve active transportation users and those who walk, bike and roll.

Whether you’re a frequent or occasional user, truck driver, local business, bicyclist, commuter, or nearby resident, we value your experiences and suggestions.

Please take a moment to complete this survey and share your thoughts on how we can improve the design and construction in the coming years.

Your participation will contribute to the creation of a safer and more efficient interchange for all users.

Question Title

Preliminary design concept for the I-5/Northeast 179th Street Interchange in Clark County.

Graphic shows the preliminary design concept for the Interstate 5 and Northeast 179th Street interchange in Clark County.

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Roundabouts have fewer conflict points than intersections, making them a safer choice for all users.

Graphic shows the conflict points of a traditional signalized intersection versus a roundabout

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This timeline shows the milestones as we work toward completing the project and improving this vital interchange.

This graphic shows a timeline of each milestone as we work towards the completion of this project.

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* 1. How often do you drive along Northeast 179th Street near the I-5 interchange?
(Select one)

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* 2. Which days of the week do you most frequently drive along Northeast 179th Street near the I-5 interchange?
(Select all days that apply)

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* 3. What months of the year do you most frequently drive along Northeast 179th Street near the I-5 interchange?
(Select all months that apply)

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* 4. For what purpose do you typically travel along Northeast 179th Street?
(Select all that apply)

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* 5. What is the largest type of vehicle you drive along Northeast 179th Street near the I-5 interchange?
(Select all that apply)

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* 6. If you drive along Northeast 179th Street near the I-5 interchange, where do you start and end your trip?

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* 7. How often do you currently walk, bike or roll along Northeast 179th Street near the I-5 interchange?
(Select one)

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* 8. In the future, would you use shared-use path facilities along Northeast 179th Street near the I-5 interchange for walking, biking, or rolling?

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* 9. What important considerations should we be aware of during the interchange design phase?

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* 10. What important considerations should we be aware of during the construction phase?

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* 11. Lastly, if there is anything else you would like us to consider or any additional information you would like to share with us, please let us know.

To learn more about this project, please visit the I-5 - 179th Street Interchange Improvements webpage, or scan the QR code.

QR Code for the I-5 - 179th Street Interchange Improvements project webpage
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