Together 2 Goal® 2020 Survey

This brief survey from AMGA Foundation’s National Campaigns team will only take a few moments to complete. Your candid feedback will help us maximize our final Together 2 Goal® campaign resources and shape our next national campaign.

Please note: This survey is intended to collect feedback from T2G campaign participants only. If you are a sponsor, partner, or other campaign stakeholder, we welcome your feedback, but kindly ask you to provide it via email. Information collected from this survey is for internal use and all results will be shared in aggregate.
1.Please provide the health system or medical group you are affiliated with:(Required.)
2.Which of the following campaign planks did your organization implement? (Select all the apply.)(Required.)
3.Please rank how valuable you found the following campaign offerings:(Required.)
Never Used
Not Valuable
Neither valuable or invaluable
Somewhat valuable
Very Valuable
Toolkit & Toolkit Supplement
Monthly webinars
Webinars at Work (post-webinar discussion guides)
Plank Mentors
Data Reports
Goal Getters/success stories
Interactive campaign planks
4.In which of the following ways did the Together 2 Goal® campaign benefit your organization? (Check all that apply.)(Required.)
5.What digital technology solution is your organization leveraging to effectively manage transitions of care for high risk patients? (Select all that apply.)(Required.)
6.Has the COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted your organization’s ability to implement the Together 2 Goal® campaign?(Required.)
7.How likely are you to participate in a 4-year campaign on adult immunizations?(Required.)