The purpose of this survey is to receive your accessibility preferences and priorities regarding the Sycamore Park District facilities, parks, and park amenities. The Sycamore Park District greatly values your feedback and your response will help the District comply with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Your feedback is anonymous and is used to improve access efforts. We welcome your responses and thank you in advance for participating in this survey.

Question Title

* 1. Do you, or does anyone in your household or daily life have a disability or disabling condition?

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* 2. Have you visited a Sycamore Park District park, trail, or facility in the last year?

Skip to question #11 if you have not visited a Sycamore Park District site

Question Title

* 4. Rate the accessibility of the park you visit the most, on a scale of 1-3, with 1 being not accessible, 2 being somewhat accessible, and 3 being accessible.

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* 6. Rate the accessibility of the parks you visit second most, on a scale of 1-3, with 1 being not accessible, 2 being somewhat accessible, and 3 being accessible.

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* 8. Rate the accessibility of the facility you visit the most on a scale of 1-3, with 1 being not accessible, 2 being somewhat accessible, and 3 being accessible.

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* 9. Have you experienced a time at a Sycamore Park District park or facility that prevented you from enjoying an experience due to a disability-related need?

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* 10. Finally, prioritize the order in level of importance in which the Sycamore Park District should address accessibility, with the first priority being the highest level of importance and the fifth priority being the lowest level of importance.

You may only choose each priority option once.

  Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Priority 5
The basics (parking, entries, and restrooms)
Accessible site features (trails, exercise equipment, sports fields, playgrounds, shelters, and picnic facilities)
Location distribution (accessibility upgrades will be spread across the District equally and not clustered in one area)
The most frequently visited sites (address access at the most used sites before addressing the least used sites)
Accessible recreation facilities (Community Center and Legacy Campus, Sycamore Golf Club)

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* 11. What is your gender?

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* 12. What is your age?

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* 13. Please include any additional comments or feedback below.