We appreciate your help...

The Partnership for a Green City (a sustainability collaboration of Louisville Metro Government, Jefferson County Public Schools, Jefferson Community & Technical College and the University of Louisville) has created this survey to see how much people know about sustainability within the Louisville Metro/Kentuckiana area. Individual responses are confidential, but data gathered will help inform our sustainability initiatives.  The survey should take approximately 10 - 15 minutes to complete.  Answers are required on the demographic items signified by an asterisk. This provides us with information we will use to tailor training or address needs within the partners as well as residents in the City at large.
The questions used in this survey have been used in other survey instruments - with the exception of the questions specific to Louisville Metro.

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following is the most commonly used definition of sustainable development?

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* 2. What do you consider the top environmental problems in Louisville Metro? (You may select more than one)

Question Title

* 3. The world population is currently 7.5 billion people. What was the world population in 1987?

Question Title

* 4. Air quality alerts are periodically issued in Louisville Metro when the following chemical is projected to exceed health standards?

Question Title

* 5. For each of the following statements, please indicate whether you believe it is true or false

  True False
The water quality of every stream in Louisville Metro meets all state water quality regulations
Louisville Metropolitan Sewer District will spend $870 million by 2020 to eliminate combined sewer overflows
Energy produced by water (hydroelectric) is considered a "renewable" energy source
Coal is considered a "renewable" energy source
The largest use of energy per year in a typical home is lighting
A home refrigerator typically requires more energy per year than a desktop computer
Most electricity in the U.S. is produced by burning coal
Wind energy is theoretically possible but not a practical source of renewable energy
Over the past two decades, energy demands have been largely met through conservation efforts
The best way to manage solid waste is to not generate any waste in the first place
Louisville is warmer by 1 - 3 degrees Fahrenheit that surrounding rural counties
The benefits of a warmer city outweigh the disadvantages
The greatest difference between temperatures in the city and surrounding area occurs at night
Over the past three decades, the difference between the richest and poorest Americans has stayed about the same
The best measure of the quality of life for an individual is material wealth
The best measure of the quality of life for a society is gross national product
Abuses of the environment disproportionately diminish the lives of the poor
My decisions and actions affect me and those close to me, not other people or places around the globe
The U.S. has the highest level of social mobility in the world, where the poor can pull themselves up through hard work to be upper class citizens

Question Title

* 6. In Louisville Metro, what is your opinion of the overall

  Poor Fair Good Excellent
Air Quality
Water Quality

Question Title

* 7. What is the most common cause of pollution of streams and rivers?

Question Title

* 8. The predominant method of disposing of municipal solid waste in Louisville Metro is by?

Question Title

* 9. The most important strategy for our energy future is:

Question Title

* 10. Which of the following is not a fossil fuel?

Question Title

* 11. Contributing to the urban heat island effect is/are?

Question Title

* 12. Since the 1960s, water quality in the US has improved primarily because:

Question Title

* 13. Heat Islands can be minimized by:

Question Title

* 14. What is the potential effect of global climate change?

Question Title

* 15. Which of the following is an example of sustainable forest management?

Question Title

* 16. The most significant driver in the loss of species and ecosystems around the world is:

Question Title

* 17. Please rate the frequency that you do the following behaviors

  Never Rarely Usually Always
Choose mass transit as a means of local travel
Use car/van pool for travel to work or school
Choose bicycling for local travel
Choose walking for local travel
Consider the working conditions of product producers before buying
Boycott a company because of its social practices
Minimize waste
Conserve energy
Voted for or supported a candidate because of his/her position on environmental issues
Choose food conscientiously based on its impacts (e.g. Fair Trade Certified, locally grown, carbon footprint)

Question Title

* 18. For the following measures of attitude, please select the best reflection of your attitude

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
People should recycle and reuse, even if it is less convenient
People should choose a method of transportation other than driving a car alone, even if it is less convenient
People should be willing to lower the quality of their lives in order that other people in the world can live better
People should be willing to spend more to get products and services that are better for the environment
People should be willing to spend more to get products and services, if that is what it takes to make life better for other people
In general, I think climate change issues are among the most important challenges in the world today
In general, I think that energy issues are among the most important challenges in the world today
In general, I think that environmental threats are among the most important challenges in the world today
In general, I think that social justice issues are among the most important challenges in the world today
In general, I think the effects of businesses on society are among the most important challenges in the world today
It is possible to protect the environment and expand the economy
Private landowners should be able to use the land however they want
I am willing to pay more for products from businesses that are socially responsible

Question Title

* 19. Of the sustainability programs at Louisville Metro, UofL, JCPS or JCTC, mark the programs you are aware of

Question Title

* 20. Demographic information - Gender

Question Title

* 21. Demographic Information - Student or Employee

Question Title

* 22. Demographic Information - School or workplace

Question Title

* 23. Demographic Information - Age

Question Title

* 24. Demographic Information - Educational Level

Question Title

* 25. Is there anything you would like to add?

Question Title

* 26. Demographic Information - Zip Code

Thank you for taking your time to complete this survey.  If you have questions about any of the questions, please contact the Partnership director, Brent Fryrear, at 502-852-8854 or at bfryrear@louisville.edu. He will also provide the "correct" answers to questions not open to interpretation.
The Partnership for a Green City will post survey results and track those results over time (year to year) to measure progress on sustainability literacy in the community and at our public organizations.