The purpose of this short survey is to gather sector-wide data on Support Workers and issues related to their recruitment, particularly immigrant workers.  This will help NZDSN in discussions with Immigration NZ.  No providers will be named; responses are confidential.

Question Title

* 1. How many Support Workers do you employ? (actual head count please)

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* 2. How many Support Worker job vacancies do you currently have? (actual head count please)

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* 3. Are you struggling to fill these vacancies?

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* 4. How many of these Support Worker job vacancies pay at or above $27.76 per hour?

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* 5. How many of your current employees are on a temporary work visa?

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* 6. How many of these Support Worker employees on a temporary work visa are paid above $27.76 per hour?

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* 7. How reliant is your organisation on employees on a temporary work visa?

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* 8. If you are unable to employee migrant workers, do you think there are enough available New Zealanders to fill your vacancies?

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* 9. Describe the impact on your organisation of Immigration New Zealand’s requirement that from 4 July only jobs that are paid at least $27.76 per hour can be offered to a person on a temporary work visa.

100% of survey complete.