The current contract between WSNA and Astria Sunnyside expires November 30, 2024. This survey is our first step in our preparation for contract negotiations. Please complete the survey by May 1, 2024.

Your input is critical to determining our priorities as we head to the bargaining table. It is vital that we know your issues and concerns prior to the start of the negotiations.

Please take a moment to complete this survey now. Give time and thoughtful consideration to your answers. This is your livelihood - your working conditions.

The power of representation comes from the willingness of registered nurses to unite, our strength from unity. Remember for WSNA to be an effective, strong, influential voice for you at the negotiation table we need your membership and involvement.

To have voting privileges on the upcoming contract, you must be a member prior to ratification, or present your completed application before voting.

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. WSNA Member?

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* 3. Department where you work:

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* 4. How often do you get your required 15-minute Rest breaks?

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* 5. How often is your rest break "uninterrupted"?

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* 6. If you don't get your two (2) rest breaks, do you note/clock the missed breaks?

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* 7. How often are you required to float outside your area of assignment and have not had adequate training or orientation?

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* 8. Have you experienced or witnessed workplace violence at Astria Sunnyside? Was it addressed to your satisfaction? If so, please describe: