Identifying Physicians with Experience in Treating ROS1+ Cancer |
Do you know a physician who has treated ROS1+ cancer patients?
The ROS1ders is revising our list of physicians who have experience in treating ROS1+ cancer patients. If you would like to suggest a physician for consideration, please answer the questions below. We are especially interested in identifying more physicians at community cancer centers and outside the USA.
Poll results will be shared with the leadership team of The ROS1ders, and will be used to help assess whether a physician has experience in treating ROS1 cancer or is considered a ROS1 Expert. We will share physician information on our website and other public methods.
This poll should take about 5 minutes. You may complete the poll multiple times--once for each physician you want to recommend.
This poll should take about 5 minutes. You may complete the poll multiple times--once for each physician you want to recommend.
Thanks for helping to improve information The ROS1ders share with the ROS1+ cancer community!