Client Services Experience

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* 1. SERVICES: Which service/s did you receive (you can mark multiple boxes)?

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* 2. TIMELINESS: Did you receive timely and efficient service?

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* 3. UNDERSTANDING AND RESPONDING: Did the accountant listen to you and answer your questions or concerns and was the information clear and helpful?

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* 4. MAXIMISING YOUR OUTCOMES: Do you feel your accountant tried to maximise your tax deductions by asking questions, discussing options and requesting supporting documents off you? If you are a business client, did they discuss the benefits of using a business services package to give you more options, savings and flexibility?

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* 5. OFFICE ENVIRONMENT: How presentable and professional did you find the office or servicing environment?

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* 6. OVERALL EXPERIENCE: How would you rate the overall service you received?

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* 7. PRESENTATION: How well did they present the work they prepared for you? (You can mark multiple boxes).

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* 8. KNOWLEDGE: Did you find your accountant knowledgeable and interested in your circumstances?

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* 9. RETURNING & RECOMMENDING: Would you return to the same practice again and recommend them to family or friends?

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* 10. WHERE: What is the address or suburb that the practice is located in?

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* 11. WHO: Who was the accountant you saw?

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* 12. SAVINGS: Did your accountant offer Tax Planning or Business Advisory to you, to avoid missing out on serious tax savings? Tax Planning and advisory services identify strategies and structural changes to greatly improve savings. (You can mark more than one box).

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