As required by Missouri statute, “each substitute teacher in a public school shall complete this survey at the end of each day of teaching.”

Question Title

* 1. Please select your current age 

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* 2. Please select your level of education

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* 3. Date of teaching


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* 7. School building

Question Title

* 8. In which type of school did you substitute teach?

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* 9. What was your daily rate of pay?

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* 10. How much support did you receive from school staff?

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* 11. How much interaction did you have with school staff?

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* 12. Did you experience any student health or safety issues?
Please do not share confidential or personally identifiable student information if responding to this question.  Note: All health and safety issues should immediately be reported to the appropriate school administrator or investigating agency.

Question Title

* 13. Please use the space below to provide any additional feedback or information you may wish to share about your day as a substitute teacher.