ACWA's Stormwater Workgroup Co-Chairs (Mary Borg from Vermont and Alicia Good from Rhode Island) are very interested in hearing back from you on future conference call/meeting topics you would find of interest, and they would also like your assistance prioritizing some of the ones that came in over the last 6-9 months. ACWA's Stormwater Workgroup is intended to be the forum where all things stormwater are discussed (municipal, industrial, construction, etc.). Please take a few minutes and provide your feedback on this short survey.   

Thank you!

Question Title

* 2. Below you will find a list of potential call/webcast/meeting topics that came in over the last few months. Please prioritize these topics as it relates to your interest.

  Low Priority High Priority
Transportation/TS4 Permits
Stormwater Utilities
NPDES eReporting Rule Status Update
New Tools to Help Collect Data
How to Navigate Public Resistance to Change
Small MS4 Green Infrastructure Solutions
Smart Growth and Stormwater Planning
How Technology is Helping Inspectors
Problem Sectors and Challenging Facilities
Benefits of Watershed Based Permitting
Different Ways to Streamline your Stormwater Permits
Successful IDDE Programs
Drafting Permits that Meet TMDL Limits
State/National BMP Testing Centers
Using Models to Predict BMP Effectiveness
Water Quality Trading & Stormwater
Improving Industrial Permit Compliance
Stormwater Management Plans for Small Towns

Question Title

* 3. From highest priority (#1, first line) to lowest priority (#5, last line), please provide a short list of any other municipal stormwater topics not listed above that you might have an interest in seeing covered by a future call/webcast/meeting.

Question Title

* 4. From highest priority (#1, first line) to lowest priority (#5, last line), please provide a short list of any other industrial stormwater topics not listed above that you might have an interest in seeing covered by a future call/webcast/meeting.

Question Title

* 5. From highest priority (#1, first line) to lowest priority (#5, last line), please provide a short list of any other construction stormwater topics not listed above that you might have an interest in seeing covered by a future call/webcast/meeting.

Question Title

* 6. From most controversial (#1, first line) to least controversial (#5, last line), please share the top/most common concerns expressed by stakeholders in your state when issuing/reissuing stormwater permits.

Question Title

* 7. Per question #6 above, how is your state responding to these concerns?

Question Title

* 8. Approximately how many municipalities exist in your state?

Question Title

* 9. If you would be willing to jump start a conversation and/or present on any of the topics listed above, please provide your email address and the topic. 

Thank you for your assistance.

ACWA Staff