Please take a moment to complete the following survey to help inform and improve current and future HOA daily operations, Community maintenance and budget planning.

Question Title

* 1. How important is the overall Community appearance and Common Area maintenance/improvements to you? (Please note: Common area is defined as non-privately owned land and real property within the HOA boundary area.)

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* 2. How do you rate the condition, maintenance, and appearance of individual homes and lots across the HOA? Note: homes range from 18 to 25yrs old depending on the subdivision area.

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* 3. Have you observed an increased duration or frequency of uncorrected covenant violations, house or landscaping maintenance issues or parking problems over the last 18-24 months

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* 4. What areas or aspect of the Community need the most improvement?

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* 5. How important are inspections to the maintenance of homes and landscaping within the Community?

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* 6. How do you rate the performance of the HOA Management Company in managing and maintaining the Community?

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* 7. How do you rate the communication of the Management Company and the HOA Board of Directors to the Community? (The HOA sends out emailed monthly board meeting recaps, important monthly and seasonal reminders, online Quarterly Newsletters, and required annual physical mailings and maintains an HOA website)

Question Title

* 8. How do you rate the performance of the volunteer HOA Board of Directors in managing and maintaining the Community and performing the duties outlined in the Covenants and Bylaws?

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* 9. How important are HOA sponsored Community events to you? (Spring/Fall Landscaping Clean-up, Summer Bulk Debris Removal Event, Easter Event, Community Yard Sale)?

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* 10. Would you prefer the annual owners meeting to be held virtually or in-person for 2024?

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* 11. What trash service company do you use?

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* 12. What day of the week do you prefer for trash and recycling collection:

Question Title

* 13. Would you be supportive of a consolidated trash and recycling collection service plan where the number of days and service providers were rightsized, and collection was limited to 1-2 collection days per week as an example.

Currently the HOA is using 5-7 service providers collecting trash and recycling 5-6 days a week which is causing increasing damage to residential streets, curbs & gutter and other impacts.

Question Title

* 14. How often do you use the HOA website and Owners Portal to pay assessments, send requests, review governing documents, Board minutes, submit work orders or architectural improvements?

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* 15. Please indicate if you reside at the property or are renting out the home?

Question Title

* 16. Would you support an increase of assessments and State required Reserve funding for conversion of the HOA Common area fence along arterial roads (Dublin, Tutt, Stetson Hills Blvd) from cedar fencing to Trex or concrete panel type fencing? For reference, the HOA has approximately 6 miles of common fence.

Question Title

* 17. Would you support a limited Covenant Amendment voted on by all owners to restrict a single Corporation or LLC from owning and/or leasing more than 1% of properties in the HOA?

Example: A single named corporation or LLC entity could not own more than 32 properties at one time. Background: In the HOA roughly 160 or 5% of homes are owned by Corporations and LLCs.

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* 18. What are the most important challenges you believe the HOA will face over the next 25 years?