Patient Feedback: Staploe Medical Centre planning application 

Dear Patient

We hope you have been able to attend one of our community engagement events, or have seen the plans for the proposed new Staploe Medical Centre in the waiting areas at the current practice.

We hope you have also seen our most recent Frequently Asked Questions, which provide lots of background on what we are proposing, and why.

If you still have questions, please email them to us at We will update the FAQs as often as we can.

This is an anonymous survey, but we have asked a few optional demographic questions to help us demonstrate that the responses are representative of our patient community.
Thank you for taking the time to give us your comments.
Your feedback will be included in our application for final NHS approval of the long-term funding for the building.
1.Are you a registered patient at Staploe Medical Centre?(Required.)
2.What age are you?
3.What ethnic group do you belong to?
4.What gender do you identify as?
5.Which, if any, of our events did you attend?(Required.)
6.Do you feel that we have provided enough information and explanation about the proposal?(Required.)
7.Based on the information available to you, do you support the proposal for a new Staploe Medical Centre building?(Required.)
8.Please share any other comments you may have about the proposed new building.