Question Title

* 1. In my/our experience, Mended Reeds Services (MRS) has demonstrated that they are aware of the needs the individuals they serve.

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* 2. I/We feel as if Mended Reeds has demonstrated commitment to meeting the needs of the community they serve.

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* 3. I/We feel that Mended Reeds serves as an advocate for individuals with Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders.

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* 4. Mended Reeds personnel are professional in their interactions with consumers, families, providers, and stakeholders.

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* 5. I/we are satisfied with the frequency and quality of communication from MRS.

Question Title

* 6. We/I feel as if MRS acts with openness and transparency.

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* 7. I/we are satisfied with the response and follow-up of MRS.

Question Title

* 8. Mended Reeds seeks to involve clients, families, other providers, and other stakeholders in service system planning and delivery.

Question Title

* 9. Mended Reeds personnel are aware and sensitive to the values and cultural differences of clients, families, providers, and stakeholders.

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* 10. Mended Reeds personnel seek and actively listen to the feedback and ideas of others.

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* 11. Mended Reeds facilities are adequate to meet the needs of those they serve:

Question Title

* 12. Mended Reeds technology is adequate to meet the needs of clients, families, other providers, and other stakeholders.

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* 13. Services offered at Mended Reeds are available regardless of age, cultural background, religious background, socio-economic status, educational background or disability.

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* 14. Mended Reeds seeks to eliminate barriers to services.

Question Title

* 15. My overall satisfaction with Mended Reeds Services is

Question Title

* 16. How likely would you be to recommend Mended Reeds Services to a friend or family member:

Question Title

* 17. Number of years you have interacted with Mended Reeds Services:

Question Title

* 18. Please check all groups that represents you:

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* 19. Age:

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* 20. Birth Sex:

Question Title

* 21. Gender identity:

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* 22. Sexual orientation:

Question Title

* 23. Race (select all that apply):

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* 24. Ethnicity (select all that apply):