Stageable 2024 - Application Form

Stageable is Queensland Writers Centre’s newest addition to our suite of …able programs, focussing on the development of emerging playwrights and theatre writing. Open nationally, the Program accepts submissions of all forms of unpublished and unproduced plays and writing intended for the stage.

Successful (shortlisted) applicants to the program will receive consultation with Queensland Writers Centre (QWC) staff and mentorship (including one-on-one meeting time and reading) with a matched industry professional.

One-on-one Feedback Sessions with QWC staff to receive reader feedback on the submitted script and discuss next steps (regardless of the application outcome), are available as an add-on for all applicants.

Applications open: Monday 1 July – Wednesday 14 August 2024

By making your application you acknowledge you have read and understood the Application Guidelines. For assistance with your application, please contact us at or call the Centre on (07) 3842 9922.

Question Title

* 1. Your details

Please note that maximum word count limits in this Application Form are enforced. Words exceeding the maximum word count cutoff will be disregarded, or may render your application ineligible.

This form cannot be saved so please ensure you're ready to submit when beginning your application.

Question Title

* 2. Writer profile
Max. 50 words.

Question Title

* 3. Previous writing/stage/theatre experience
Include details of any publications, productions of your work, writing awards and relevant stage experience (i.e. writing, acting, directing). Please note that it's completely okay if you don't have lots of credits yet – this is a program for emerging writers. Max. 200 words.

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* 4. Are you a member of a state writers' centre in the National Writers' Centre Network?
This includes Queensland Writers Centre, NT Writers' Centre, TasWriters, Writing NSW, Writers SA, Writers Victoria, and Writing WA.

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* 5. Application category
Eligible writers may enter both categories.

Manuscript information

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* 6. Title

Question Title

* 7. One-sentence logline
What's your play about? Hook us in and sum up the most important elements of your story: your main character/protagonist, conflict, etc.

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* 8. Synopsis
Max. 400 words.

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* 9. Script format
For other and experimental formats, please contact QWC before making your application.

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* 10. Genre or style
Max. 2 choices.

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* 11. Market segment
Which market segment is your work most likely to resonate with?

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* 12. Why should your play be staged?
A chance to tell us a bit about what brought you to the story, a statement of intent; what is your point of difference, etc. Max. 50 words.

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* 13. Content
Is there content/references our readers should be aware of, or that could be triggering? If so, please outline below. This is a protection for readers only and won't otherwise affect your application. Optional, max. 20 words.

Question Title

* 14. Upload your script
Please upload a PDF copy of your work, formatted to the specifications outlined in the Application Guidelines.

PDF file types only.
Choose File
Demographic information
Optional. Responses to the following questions are de-identified and may be used for reporting to funding bodies.

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* 15. Do you identify as being of culturally or linguistically diverse background (CaLD)?

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* 16. Do you identify as Aboriginal, First Nations, Indigenous, Torres Strait Islander, Tiwi Islander or South Sea Islander?

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* 17. Gender

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* 18. Age range

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* 19. Disability or accessibility requirements

Finalise application

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* 20. Program application fees & add-ons
For detailed information please read the Application Guidelines.

You’ll enter payment info after the survey.