City of St. Thomas Mini Strategic Planning Survey TALK TO US. WE ARE LISTENING.The City of St. Thomas is developing the City's next strategic plan --- our roadmap for the future. It is really important that we hear the views, hopes and ideas of our residents and the communities that we serve. Please take five minutes to answer six quick questions and help us shape the City's future.Thank you! Question Title * 1. What is your age category? Under 15 15 - 17 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 Over 65 Prefer not to say Question Title * 2. What is your relationship with the City of St. Thomas? Choose all that apply. I live here. I go to school here. I work here. I own a business in St. Thomas. I am visiting St. Thomas. Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. What do you like most about St. Thomas? i.e., what are you most proud of, or what makes you happy? Question Title * 4. Reflecting on your relationships with St. Thomas, what are you most worried about and would like to see the City take positive action on? Pick your top 5. Protecting the environment i.e., climate change action Access to affordable housing Access to programs, services and activities Getting around St. Thomas i.e., transit, mobility, traffic Raising a family in St. Thomas City growth and planning Health and well-being for everyone Social Justice Access to parks and recreation venues Supporting children and youth to realize their potential. Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Looking out 10 years, describe what you hope the future will look like for the City of St. Thomas and its residents and communities. Question Title * 6. Is there anything else you would like to share with us about the City of St. Thomas? (i.e., hopes, worries, experiences, etc.) Thanks for sharing your ideas and perspectives with us. Done