
Many of you are familiar with the efforts begun under Father Tom Fitzpatrick to improve our parish campus as part of our “Ignite SKD” activities. While we put that on “pause” in the 2023-2024 year, we are reopening the process that was begun. As we consider a capital campaign to fund our improvements, the diocese recommends that we conduct a feasibility study.

The purpose of this Feasibility Study is to determine the readiness of St. Katharine Drexel Parish for a Capital Campaign that would fund our proposed “Ignite SKD” vision of facility improvements. Please begin by reading the enclosed Case Statement. Together, we are discerning God’s will for our parish. Your input is a very important part of our planning process. Please include the parish in your daily prayers. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

In each response opportunity below you will see an option for two different people in your household titled “Person A and Person B” to participate. This is for your convenience, not a requirement.

Mark a response for each of the following statements and questions.

Add your comments in the space provided.

Questions include space for two responses to allow spouses to complete the survey together.

Question Title

* For the purpose of tabulating how many households participate in the survey, please indicate that you are the first or only person in your household completing the survey, or if you are the second person in your household completing the survey.

Question Title

* Consultant use