The current contract between WSNA and your local unit expires January 31, 2025. This survey is our first step in preparation for our contract negotiations. It is important that we know everyone's issues and concerns before the negotiations start.

Identifying information is only available to WSNA staff members. It is vital that we are able to identify that respondents are members of the St. Clare bargaining unit and enables us to contact you if we need to follow up on any of your survey responses. It will also help us keep you updated through the process.

The individual survey responses, with identifying information removed, will only be seen by the WSNA negotiating team. St. Clare management will not see them, so please freely share your experiences and opinions. Please encourage all your co-workers to take it too. Our power and strength come from all of us united and working together for the same goal!

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

Question Title

* 2. Ethnicity (For statistical purposes only)
Check as many as apply.