Thank you for completing the Catholic Family Survey. The survey will help your parish better understand your family and your life as a parent. The survey results are very important. They will be used to create a parish plan for supporting parents of children and young people, and for engaging the whole family in faith formation - from birth through high school graduation. We appreciate your time and contribution!

Question Title

* 2. Tell us about you and your spouse/ partner's religion. Which of the following best describes this?

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* 3. Tell us about your family (select one).

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* 4. Tell us about your family size.

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* 5. Tell us about the ages of your children (check all that apply).

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* 6. Tell us about your ethnicity.

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* 7. Overall, how would you rate the job you do as a parent.

  Poor Only Fair Good Very Good Excellent

Question Title

* 8. How important is being a parent to who you are as a person?

  Not an important aspect at all Not too important an aspect Important but not one of the most important aspects One of the most important aspects The most important aspect

Question Title

* 9. Tell us about your experience of being a parent.

  Never Rarely Some of the time Most of the time All of the time
How often do you find being a parent to be enjoyable?
How often do you find being a parent to be rewarding?
How often do you find being a parent to be stressful?
How often do you find being a parent to be tiring?

Question Title

* 10. How do you view yourself religiously? Select one that best describes you.

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* 11. Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend Mass currently?

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* 12. How often do your children, ages 18 or younger, attend Mass with you?

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* 13. Besides attending Mass, how involved are you in parish activities or ministries?

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* 14. How often do your children, ages 18 or younger, participate with you in parish activities or ministries besides attending Mass?

Question Title

* 15. How important is/was it to have your children...

  Not Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important Extremely Important
Celebrate their First Communion
Receive the Sacrament of Confirmation

Question Title

* 16. Tell us about your children or teen's involvement. (Check all that apply.)

Question Title

* 17. Thinking about yourself as a parent of children or teenagers today please rate how often you engage in the following family practices…

  Never Rarely Occasionally Frequently Regularly
Praying as a family (meal time, bedtime)
Praying myself as an adult
Praying as a family during times of struggle or crisis
Encouraging teens to pray alone or with peers
Reading the Bible as a family
Reading the Bible as an adult
Encouraging children/teens to read the Bible alone or with their peers
Taking time to grow in my own faith as an adult
Celebrating the church year seasons at church (e.g., Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter)
Serving people in need as a family
Serving people in need as an adult
Eating together as a family
Having family conversations
Talking about faith or spirituality as a family
Watching videos, movies, or TV shows with religious content or themes
Encouraging children/teens to talk about their doubts and questions about faith
Talking about your faith and your religious tradition with your children and teens
Asking your child’s/teen's perspectives on faith, religion, social issues, etc.
Providing moral instruction
Participating in Sunday Mass as a family
Celebrating rituals and sacraments at church as a family
Participating in parish activities and programs as a family
Encouraging and supporting your child/teenager to participate

Question Title

* 18. Thinking about your faith and spiritual life, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements.

  Disagree Strongly Disagree Somewhat Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly
God cares for me in a special way.
My faith helps me know right from wrong.
My faith shapes how I think and act.
I have a sense of sharing in a great purpose.
I am keenly aware of being in the presence of God in my life.
I live my life and make more decisions guided by Christian moral values that tell me what is right or wrong.
I have a real sense that God is guiding me.
I know that Jesus Christ is the son of God who died on a cross and rose again.
I feel God’s presence in my relationships with other people.
I am involved in actions to serve those in need, work for justice, and/or care for creation.
I feel God’s presence when I serve people in need, work for justice, and/or care for creation.
I see evidence that God is active in the world.
I feel God’s presence when I worship at Mass.
I am spiritually moved by the beauty of God’s creation.
I have found a way of life that gives me direction.
Religious faith is important in my life.
My life is committed to Jesus Christ.
My life is filled with meaning and purpose.
I seek out opportunities to help me grow spiritually.
I try to apply my faith to social issues.
I talk with other people about my faith.
I give significant portions of time and money to help other people

Question Title

* 19. To what extent do you as a parent practice the following…

  Not At All A Little Somewhat Very Much
I demonstrate a warm and affirming parenting approach with my children/teens.
I engage in positive communication with my children/teens.
I encourage my children/teens to pursue their talents and interests.
I spend one-on-one time with my children/teens./
I cultivate a warm, compassionate, and loving relationship with my children/teens.
I engage my children/teens in family conversations.
I engage my children/teens in family conversations about faith and religious matters.
I provide moral and values formation of my children teens.
I talk about my own faith with my children/teens.
I practice my faith and share it with my children/teens.
I participate with my children/teens in activities, such as service projects and parish programs.
I ask for forgiveness when I am wrong or mess up.
I try to balance religious firmness (this is what we belief and how we live) with religious flexibility (not forcing faith, but inviting

Question Title

* 20. The following is a list of parent enrichment topics that your parish can sponsor. Which topics are of the most interested to you? (Check all the topics you would be interested in.)