Safeguarding Adults in Sport Events

We are currently reviewing our education strategy and plans for 2024 / 25 regarding safeguarding adults in sport events and content.

Your feedback will help us ensure the events we organise truly meet the needs of those working in safeguarding roles.

This survey is anonymous. Please note we will not use your details / email if supplied for any other purposes.  
1.Would you be interested in attending an event focused on safeguarding adults in sport and activity?
2.Would you prefer this event to be online or in-person?
3.Which months would be most convenient for you to attend an event? Please tick all that apply.
4.Which safeguarding themes would you be most interested in learning more about and discussing further?

Please tick all that apply.
5.Would you be interested in taking part in an event?  

Either as a host, presenter, workshop facilitator, panel member, consultant or otherwise? 

Please tick all that apply.
6.If you would be interested in taking part in an event, please leave your name and email  address so we can get in touch. We will not use this email for any other purpose.
Current Progress,
0 of 6 answered