Southeast Alaska Independent Living (SAIL)


The Statewide Independent Living Council of Alaska (SILC) promotes independent living for people with disabilities and work closely with Southeast Alaska Independent Living (SAIL).  So, we are asking that you complete this survey to help SAIL learn what consumers think of their services.  
We want to know what you think!  You are the voice we need to hear! 

Your responses will be used in two ways.  First, each quarter of the year, we send the results of the surveys to SAIL. The SILC will also use the data to create the state plan for independent living.  The state plan is what guides the SILC and SAIL during the next three years.  I would like to ensure you that no one at SAIL will see your individual responses.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey!  If you have any questions about this survey or how we will use the data, please call me at (907) 395-7406 or toll free at 1-888-294-7452.

With Warm Regards,

Michael Christian
Executive Director


(The survey is ten (10) questions long and should take about 5 minutes to complete)