Protecting farmland
Protecting forests
Protecting water quality and drinking water supply
Protecting wildlife habitats and corridors
Maintaining non-motorized trails
Expanding non-motorized trails
Expanding multi-use trail network
Creating motorized trails
Creating new active recreational resources for hunting and fishing
Preserving scenic views
Preserving rural character
Improving safety of existing recreation resources
Expanding sidewalks
Improving bike safety
Adding on-road bike lanes
Improving organized sports/recreational programing for adults
Improving organized sports/recreational programing for youth
Expanding public access to open space
Improving signage at access points to conservation areas and trails
Improve information resources about local recreational opportunities
Expanding connections and access to existing off-road trails
Developing bicycle paths and greenways to connect the town’s open spaces
Developing a Riverwalk along the Manhan River wildlife corridor
Expanding access to alternative forms of transportation
Smart development to create and preserve open space
Designating conservation areas where hunting is prohibited
Climate adaptation and resilience