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Shire of Waroona Disability Access & Inclusion
The Shire of Waroona recognises the importance of stakeholder engagement in ensuring that our communities, facilities, services and programs are accessible to and inclusive of everyone.
This survey is one way people can contribute to the development of the Shire's Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) 2022-2027. The purpose of the DAIP is to ensure that all people, including people with disability, are welcomed and included in the Shire of Waroona and have equitable access to buildings, information, public consultations, complaints processes, services and employment.
If you are not able to answer all of the questions, please answer the ones that are most important to you. All survey responses will remain confidential.
If you would prefer this survey in an alternative format, please contact Brad Vitale, Corporate Compliance Officer on 9733 7800 or
Please return completed survey by one of the following options:
Online survey.
In-person to the Shire of Waroona Administration Centre at 52 Hesse Street, Waroona.
By mail to the Shire of Waroona – PO Box 20, Waroona WA 6215.
Scan document to an electronic format and return to