Welcome to the Shaping our Future Water Survey

Shaping our Future is turning the spotlight on our districts freshwater. 

E.coli outbreaks, lake snow, algae blooms, flooding, pollution, water restrictions and the quality of our drinking water  - it’s been a summer of water concerns in our district. 

Shaping our Future invites you to share your views on our rivers, lakes, drinking and wastewater.  Your confidential views will be combined with information gathered at public forum. 

Now is the time to pull together as a community and direct the future of freshwater for our district. 

In the Upper Clutha, Shaping our Future is working with the Upper Clutha Water Group which has secured funding from the Freshwater Improvement Fund (FIF).  Forum results will inform a community-led Water Plan to be developed as part of the FIF projects.

Shaping our Future is hoping that the Queenstown Water Forum will be the springboard for the formation of a collaborative group similar to the Upper Clutha Water Group, focusing on the Queenstown, Lake Hayes and Glenorchy lakes and catchments.

We will be engaging with Ngai Tahu and a wide range of stakeholders including residents, visitors, QLDC, Otago University, Fish and Game, Department of Conservation, Otago Regional Council together with as many community groups as possible. 

Every person in our community is reliant on water and the Water Forums will capture what it is we want and value in the future.

For more information please visit www.shapingourfuture.org.nz