This questionnaire is very short and should not require more than 10 minutes of your time.

It is divided into two parts:

Part I is intended for individuals or organizations that have been involved in the development and production of the State of Europe’s Forests 2011 report (SoEF 2011). Addressees include Authors, Team of Specialists Members, National Correspondents, Editors, Reviewers, Graphic Designers, Independent Data Providers, etc. Your feedback is extremely important as it will help us evaluate the efficiency of the preparatory process while providing guidance on possible improvements.

If you have been involved in the preparatory process, please kindly respond to Part I and Part II if relevant.

Part II addresses users of the State of Europe’s Forests 2011 report. This ranges from anyone who has read the report to those who have been using it as part of their work or for other intents and purposes.

If you have not directly contributed to the preparatory process, you are only invited to complete Part II (Question 10 onwards).

We would appreciate if you could complete the on-line questionnaire by 5 May 2012.

Should you have any queries regarding the questionnaire or need assistance filling it in, please contact the ECE/FAO secretariat ( or the ECE/FAO Team of Specialists Leader ( Your contribution is extremely important to help us improve future processes.

The results of the questionnaire will be presented and discussed at the next meeting of the ECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Monitoring Sustainable Forest Management to be held on 22-24 May 2012 in Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, and will also be made available on our website at