Smart Girls Ages 8-10 Post-Survey Question Title * 1. Which Club do you attend? Culver Duneland Portage South Haven Vaparaiso Question Title * 2. Self-esteem is: Your reflection in a mirror How you feel about yourself How others feel about you How you feel about others Question Title * 3. Menstruation, or having a period, can cause: bleeding a bad mood abdominal cramps all of the above Question Title * 4. Exercise or physical activity: Helps you vent your feelings Lowers Stress Produces endorphins, which makes you feel good All of the above Question Title * 5. The most nutritious afternoon snack below is: Celery sticks with peanut butter and a glass of 100% juice A slice of pizza and an apple A bowl of buttered popcorn Milk & cookies Question Title * 6. Healthy friendships are built on: Being in the same class Respect and trust Forcing someone to hang out with you Talking behind someone's back Question Title * 7. Being as thin as models in magazines is the key to happiness True False Question Title * 8. Feeling angry or upset is normal and can be controlled True False Question Title * 9. Puberty is the transition time between being a kid and being an adult True False Question Title * 10. Examples of nutritious foods are breaded and fried True False Question Title * 11. A SMART Girl is respectful and honest True False Question Title * 12. Peer pressure is always negative True False Question Title * 13. Bullying is ok sometimes, especially if the person has been rude to you in the past. True False Done