Small Business Owners and Stress
We are asking Small Business Owners how they’re handling stress and anxiety at the moment – please take a minute to answer these 3 questions:
In your business, which of the following are blockers to you thriving at work?
Overworked and stressed
Not enough time to do everything
Fear of possible COVID impacts on my business
Lack of resources and cashflow
Lack of trust in staff and suppliers
Lack of focus, clear direction, and vision
Market Instability
Pressure from juggling family commitments
Working from home or remotely
How often do you experience work-related stress?
Regularly - A few times a daily
Several times a week
Once a week
From time to time during the month
What have you done in the last 3 months to help manage your stress?
I have connected with friends
I have connected with business networks
I have sought help via a mental health practitioner
I have exercised
I have taken time out to relax
I have sought help from business services (eg Business Consultant, Accountant etc)
I have not done anything to manage my stress