Abstract submission deadline: 1st October 2024
Only one abstract is allowed per registered person.

All abstracts must be submitted in an electronic format and should not exceed 350 words using Microsoft word Document Times New Roman size 11, Top and bottom margins 2.54cm; left and right margins 3.17cm; Gutter size:0cm, Gutter position: Left.
The title of the abstract should be in Bold and capital letters followed by authors and affiliation and body text.
The abstract should be informative giving the reader concise information in the form of background, methods, results, and discussion/conclusion (subheadings are not required).
Abstracts should be provided in English to avoid errors in spelling and grammar.

Your submission will be reviewed by the Skin@Bath Organising Committee.
Submissions, if successful, will be awarded an SOP slot on the programme or a chance to present their abstract as a poster the conference.

Question Title

* 1. Your details:

Question Title

* 2. Please click choose file to upload your content.
(Should your file size exceed 16MB, please use WeTransfer or similar)

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File