Single-Use Plastics Survey Help us to serve you better! Good day, this survey is for a Bermuda College student research project. The purpose of this project is to gain a better understanding of the community’s knowledge and behaviour with respect to single-use plastics. This short survey takes approximately 3 minutes to complete. It is completely anonymous with no political agenda. Thank you for your participation. Question Title * 1. What is your gender identity? Man Woman Transgender Non-binary Agender Prefer not to state Question Title * 2. What is your age group? 16 to 24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 or older Question Title * 3. What is your race? Black White Mixed Other Question Title * 4. What is your status? Bermudian Spouse of a Bermudian Permanent Resident Certificate Holder (PRC) Non Bermudian Question Title * 5. What is your annual household total income before deductions? Up to $36,000 $36,000 but less than $72,000 $72,000 but less than $144,000 $144,000 and over Prefer not to say Environmental Awareness Question Title * 6. Are you aware of plastic pollution and the impact it has on the environment? Yes, I'm aware Yes, I'm aware of the pollution but not aware of its impacts No, I'm not aware Question Title * 7. Where do you see plastic pollution in the area that you live? Just about everywhere In many places In a few places Nowhere, really Not sure I'd know what to look for Question Title * 8. How often do you see plastic pollution in your area? Just about all the time Sometimes Occasionally Hardly ever Question Title * 9. Do you worry about plastic waste getting into areas that you live in, such as beaches, bays and the ocean? A great deal Sometimes Occasionally Hardly ever Question Title * 10. Do you think that plastic pollution affects just you, the environment, or both? Affects just me Affects just the environment Affects both me and the environment Not sure/Don't know Environmental Policy Question Title * 11. Were you aware that in the 2018 Throne Speech that Premier David Burt announced that by 2023 the island would ban single-use plastics? Yes, I was aware No, I was not aware Not sure Question Title * 12. Do you think that the government is doing enough to tackle plastic pollution? Yes, they are doing enough No, they are not doing enough Not sure Question Title * 13. The government should provide incentives for people to look after the environment. Strongly agree Agree somewhat Neither agree nor disagree Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly Environmental Activism Question Title * 14. Do you help with reducing plastic pollution by reducing your use of single-use plastics? I help a lot (I'm always thinking of what I can do or choose not to do with my purchases) I help a little bit (I make good choices sometimes) I don't help at all (I'm too busy to think about it, not important to me) I would like to help but don't know how to Question Title * 15. Do you help with cleaning up plastic pollution? I help a lot (I've joined organized clean ups with friends and colleagues) I help a little bit (I pick up what I see from time to time) I don't help at all (I don’t like or feel safe picking up trash) I would like to help but don't know how to Question Title * 16. Which of the following ideas would you be most interested in? Paying an extra charge for using single-use plastic goods (e.g plastic bottles/bags/coffee cups) with the money going to help solve the problem or support clean-ups Getting a reduction in your purchase price for using a reusable bag/cup/bottle Support taxes on wasteful single-use plastics Getting involved to help communicate the problem and some solutions with my peers Question Title * 17. Do you think that there should be more information and helpful tips to assist people in making better choices, cutting down on using plastic? Yes No I think that there is enough information available now Environmental Behaviour Question Title * 18. Where do you think we can make the most improvements in order to cut down on using single-use plastics? (Tick all that you think can help) Supermarkets- Less plastic packaging, plastic free items, plastic alternatives, bags for life Government - Research opportunities to recycle some plastics in Bermuda and expand our recycling programme to capture these plastics Retailers–more and different types of reusable cups/bottles available for sale Information-More information on plastic pollution and how to cut down on single–use plastics Question Title * 19. What are you currently using when you grocery shop? Plastic bags Paper bags Reusable cloth bags Other (please specify) Question Title * 20. Which barriers may prevent you from reducing your use of single-use plastics? (Tick all that apply to you) I do not have time to switch to reusable products It is expensive to buy reusable products It is too much hassle I have people in my house who prevent me from adopting green behaviours I have more pressing priorities It doesn’t fit into my lifestyle I am not interested in the environment I don’t understand the need to reduce my use I don’t know what to do Other (please specify) Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey! Done