Question Title

How many people were on your team?

Question Title

How would you rate the overall quality of this challenge?
(1 star is poor, 5 stars is excellent)

Question Title

How would you rate the tips and resources provided in the weekly emails?
(1 star is poor, 5 stars is excellent)

Question Title

Indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
This challenge influenced my team to make healthier lifestyle choices.
This challenge had a positive impact on office energy, moral, and engagement.
We would like to participate in similar wellness challenges in the future.
We would recommend this challenge to other agencies/groups.

Question Title

What was your favorite part of Spring into Summer Team Fitness Challenge?

Question Title

How could the Spring into Summer Team Fitness Challenge be improved?

Question Title

What types of wellness challenges would you like to see offered in the future? Select all that apply.

Question Title

Please provide your contact information to be eligible team captain prize drawing. Leave this blank if you wish to remain anonymous.