Shelby County

Our health is more than the individual choices we make. Health is also impacted by such things as safe places to live; quality care for our children or elderly parents; relationships we can count on; and access to a broad range of medical and mental health services.

Before government, schools, businesses, community organizations, and health systems can work to improve opportunities for health, they must first understand the challenges people are experiencing. That is the purpose of this survey.

Every three years, hospitals are required to complete a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA). This survey is part of the CHNA for Major Health Partners and Shelby County. Your answers to the survey are entirely anonymous.

If you live, work, learn or gather in Shelby County, your experiences and observations are valuable. Survey responses will help determine the Community Health Improvement Plan for the next 3 years.

Thank you for taking a few minutes to complete the 2025 Community Health Survey.

Question Title

* 1. What is your Zip Code?

Question Title

* 2. How many people live in your household?

Question Title

* 4. Have you served or are you presently serving in the armed forces?

Question Title

* 5. Which of the following issues make it hard for you to be healthy? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 6. How much of a problem do you think the following issues are in Shelby County?

  No problem Little problem Medium problem Big problem Unaware
Adult obesity
Child obesity
Not eating healthy food
Not enough physical activity or exercise
Not enough sleep at night

Question Title

* 7. How much of a problem do youth and adults have connecting with services in Shelby County?

  No Problem Little Problem Medium Problem Big Problem Unaware
Connecting to Healthcare Services
Connecting to Substance Abuse Treatment and Services
Connecting to Mental Health Treatment and Services

Question Title

* 8. How much of a problem are the following issues for youth and adults when they want or need health care in Shelby County?

  No Problem Little Problem Medium Problem Big Problem Unaware
Unsure where to go for help or unsure what is available
Costs and/or insurance
Medical issues
Services not available or wait times too long
Communication challenges
Embarrassed or afraid to get help

Question Title

* 9. How much of a problem are the following issues for youth and adults when they want or need mental health and/or substance abuse services in Shelby County?

  No Problem Little Problem Medium Problem Big Problem Unaware
Unsure where to go for help or unsure what is available
Costs and/or insurance
Medical issues
Services not available or wait times too long
Communication challenges
Embarrassed or afraid to get help

Question Title

* 10. In your opinion, how much of a problem is use of the following substances for adults (21 or older) in Shelby County?

  No problem Little problem Medium problem Big problem Unaware
Tobacco (cigarettes/cigars/pipes/smokeless chew)
Misusing or overusing alcohol
Misusing prescription drugs
Marijuana or synthetic marijuana
Other illegal drugs (Meth/Cocaine/Heroin/etc.)

Question Title

* 11. In your opinion, how much of a problem is use of the following substances for youth (under 21) in Shelby County?

  No Problem Little Problem Medium Problem Big Problem Unaware
Tobacco (cigarettes/cigars/pipes/smokeless chew)
Misusing prescription drugs
Marijuana or synthetic marijuana
Other illegal drugs (Meth/Cocaine/Heroin/etc.)

Question Title

* 12. In the last 12 months, my doctor or medical provider has talked about the following health and wellness issues with me or my family. Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 13. Please rate your health and wellness. How were you doing 3 years ago in 2022, and how are you doing now?

  0 (Terrible) 1 2 3 4 5 (Great)
Your physical health in 2022
Your mental health in 2022
Your stress/anxiety level in 2022
Your present physical health
Your present mental health
Your present stress/anxiety level

Question Title

* 14. Please rate how satisfied you are with your life.

  O Strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly agree
Overall I am satisfied with my life.

Question Title

* 15. Please rate the role social media plays for you.

  0 Strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly agree
My main source of community and relationships comes through social media.

Question Title

* 16. Does using social media leave you feeling anxious or hopeless?

  0 Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Agree
I feel anxious or hopeless when I use social media.

Question Title

* 17. If you had a personal or medical crisis in the middle of the night, how many people could you call for help, other than 911?

Question Title

* 18. What is your gender?

Question Title

* 19. Do you have a disability?

Question Title

* 20. Are you connected to a church or faith community?

Question Title

* 21. What races or ethnicities best describe you? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 22. Do you identify as a member of the LGTBQ+ community?

100% of survey complete.