ShadowTech provides girls in years 9-11 with the opportunity to experience what working in the tech sector is like, encouraging them onto education pathways that lead into tech sector roles.

Schools are paired with a local tech organisation and students are taken through a “day in the life” experience that has them sitting in on meetings, getting hands on with cool tech, meeting young women in tech and seeing what a typical day is like in the tech industry.

ShadowTech is a fantastic opportunity for students to experience the wide range of career opportunities available to them in the tech sector.

Please note that teachers or responsible adults are required to supervise the group of students and schools are responsible for transport to and from the organisation’s workplace.

Question Title

* Which ShadowTech25 event does your school wish to participate in?

If your school is outside of these regions, please register anyway and we will do our best to partner you with an organisation in your area.