2024 NAMRC Concurrent Sessions Evaluation
Raleigh , North Carolina
July 25 - 27, 2024
Identify your profession (Check box):
Professional Counselor
Rehabilitation Counselor
Social Worker
Psychiatric Nurse
Other (please specify)
How many years of experience do you have in your profession?
0- 12 months
1-2 years
2-4 years
4+ years
Which pre - conference or concurrent session did you attend? Select one at a time.
Professional Development - NAMRC Board of Directors' Meeting
Plenary Session “Multiple Intersections: Feminism, Disability, and BIPOC Women” (1 CE)
1. Ethical Implications and Solutions for Transportation Equity for
Individuals with Disabilities (Ethics)
2. Intersectionality of Disability and Race: Impact on Work and Inclusion Strategies
3. Preparing Emerging Counselors to be Fully Equipped for a Successful Career
4. Racial Code Switching: Understanding & Addressing the Double
5. Strategies For Increasing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, And
Accessibility for People with Intersecting Identities (Ethics)
6. Meet Us at the Cross Road: Examining the Foundations of RISE-UP
7. The Intersectionality of Understanding LGBTQ+ Pronouns, Workplace Inclusion, and Best Practices
8. Intervention Study, Multiply Marginalized People with Disabilities:
Small Business Incubator Model Evaluation
9. Revisiting A Multicultural Centered Counseling Approach: Our Ethical Responsibility (Ethics)
10. Exploring Self-Employment among Multiply Marginalized People: An Intersectional Analysis
11. Integrating Artificial Intelligence into Bereavement Counseling:
Strategies for Coping with Loss
12. Considerations for Clinicians when working with People in Interabled Relationships
13. “Giving and Receiving Feedback with an Equity Lens”
14.Effectively Enhancing Employment Development and Job Placement in Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation
15. Pathways to Employment: Leveraging Your CRC Credential
16. Unapologetically Ambitious: Navigating the Leadership Labyrinth as Black Women
17. Ethical Considerations and Practices for Hispanic Clients: “Mi voz cuenta” (Ethics)
18. Integrated Counseling Support for Individuals with Intellectual and Mental Health Needs
19. Financial Lit! Strategies and Tips for Young Professionals with
Mechanics & Farmers Bank
20. Needs Assessment Determining Competencies for Interprofessional, Intra University Training for Transition Professionals
21. Movement Your Way: A Group Counseling Approach for Women of Color De-transitioning After Gender Affirming Surgery (Ethics)
22. Multiculturalism: The Emotional Impact of Mental Health for
Indigenous Men of Color
23. Young, Black, & Gifted: Discussion of Black Millennial Counselor
Educators’ Career Experiences
24. Primary Identity and the Intersectionality of Gender and Race
Roundtable Session (must attend 4 Roundtables)
25. Ethical Dimensions of Clinical Supervision: Roles, Responsibilities, Evaluation and Cultural Responsiveness (Ethics)
26. The Talking Circle: A culturally appropriate VR services within the American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Program.
27. CRC Exam Prep Session (NO CRC CEUs PROVIDED)
28. End Stage Renal Disease /Dialysis to Kidney Transplant in Minority Communities
29. Cautious Optimism: Ethical Considerations of Telehealth and Service Provision (Ethics)
30. Counseling and Therapeutic Interventions for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities
31. Intersectionality Influences career development and social justice of college students with disabilities
32. Navigating the Complexities: A Black Feminist Disability Approach to Understand the Lived Experiences of Black Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Paint and Chat (2 CEs)
The learning objectives were fully addressed.
(5) Agree
(4) Somewhat Agree
(3) Neutral
(2) Somewhat Disagree
(1) Disagree
The program content was current.
(5) Agree
(4) Somewhat Agree
(3) Neutral
(2) Somewhat Disagree
(1) Disagree
The program content enhanced my multicultural awareness and ability to work with diverse populations.
(5) Agree
(4) Somewhat Agree
(3) Neutral
(2) Somewhat Disagree
(1) Disagree
The program content was appropriate to my education and experience.
(5) Agree
(4) Somewhat Agree
(3) Neutral
(2) Somewhat Disagree
(1) Disagree
The program content was relevant to my profession.
(5) Agree
(4) Somewhat Agree
(3) Neutral
(2) Somewhat Disagree
(1) Disagree
The presenter was knowledgeable about the content.
(5) Agree
(4) Somewhat Agree
(3) Neutral
(2) Somewhat Disagree
(1) Disagree
The presenter presented the subject matter clearly.
(5) Agree
(4) Somewhat Agree
(3) Neutral
(2) Somewhat Disagree
(1) Disagree
The presenter was responsive to participants.
(5) Agree
(4) Somewhat Agree
(3) Neutral
(2) Somewhat Disagree
(1) Disagree
The program advertisement was accurate.
(5) Agree
(4) Somewhat Agree
(3) Neutral
(2) Somewhat Disagree
(1) Disagree
The instructions for requesting accommodations for a disability were clear.
(5) Agree
(4) Somewhat Agree
(3) Neutral
(2) Somewhat Disagree
(1) Disagree
The venue was conducive to learning.
(5) Agree
(4) Somewhat Agree
(3) Neutral
(2) Somewhat Disagree
(1) Disagree
My request for accommodations was satisfactorily met.
(5) Agree
(4) Somewhat Agree
(3) Neutral
(2) Somewhat Disagree
(1) Disagree
(0) N/A
The program materials were professional in appearance.
(5) Agree
(4) Somewhat Agree
(3) Neutral
(2) Somewhat Disagree
(1) Disagree
(0) N/A
The program materials enhanced my learning experience.
(5) Agree
(4) Somewhat Agree
(3) Neutral
(2) Somewhat Disagree
(1) Disagree
(0) N/A
How could we improve this program?