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Long Read Sequencing and Genomic Assembly in Your Research

Let us know how you plan to use long read sequencing in your work, what other sequencing technologies you use, and what your biggest pain points are!

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* 1. Which of the following sequencing technologies do you currently use, or plan to use, in your work?

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* 2. How likely are you to consider long read sequencing technologies, such as PacBio or Oxford Nanopore, for each of the following workflows?

  Very likely Likely Unlikely Very unlikely Unsure
Whole genome assembly
Structural variant analysis
RNA-Seq isoform analysis
Haplotype analysis

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* 3. How important is a near perfect base sequence to you?

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* 4. How important is a closed genome to you?

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* 5. Do you need to annotate genomes?

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* 6. Given the recent advances in targeting genomic regions of interest for long read sequencing, how likely are you to try any of those technologies?

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* 7. Where do you think long read technology can provide the most value in your lab?

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* 8. What, if any, of the following factors would prevent you from using long read sequencing?

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* 9. What tools do you use for NGS assembly or analysis? Check all that apply

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* 10. What tools do you use for long read sequencing assembly or analysis? Check all that apply.

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* 11. How satisfied are you with the tools you currently use for Sanger, NGS and/or long read assembly, alignment and analysis?

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* 12. Considering all the software you use for NGS and long read analysis, what are the biggest areas for improvement? Select up to 3 options.

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* 13. Would you be willing to try a new assembly and/or analysis program?

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* 14. What factors would most influence your decision to change assembly or analysis tools? Choose up to 3.

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* 15. Would you like to be contacted about a beta test or customer preview of a new long read assembly application?

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* 16. Contact Details

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* 17. Is there anything else you'd like to share? (Optional)

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