The Howard County Public School System's Goal 2 states, "Each school will provide a safe and nurturing school environment that values our diversity and commonality." The reason you are asked to take this survey is to help the school administrators better measure how the school community is working toward meeting this goal.
You will be asked to select the answer that best fits your thoughts about each statement. "Strongly Agree" means that you are in total agreement with the statement; "Agree" means that you agree for the most part; "Disagree" means that you disagree with the statement for the most part; and "Strongly Disagree" means that you are in total disagreement with the statement. If you do not know how you feel about the statement, select "Don't Know". There are no right or wrong answers and your survey answers will be kept confidential. Please remember that your teacher is available to help you with words or content you may have difficulty with. No one in the school will be able to read your answers. The survey should take you about 7-10 minutes to complete.
10% of survey complete.