Maternal and Child Environmental Health Modules - The Science of Toxicology Series Evaluation

Thank you for taking the time to evaluate the Maternal and Child Environmental Health Educational Modules – the Science of Toxicology Series. Your responses will be used to make improvements to future modules. All of your responses are anonymous, and you do not have to answer any questions that you do not want to answer.
1.How did you find out about the Maternal and Child Environmental Health Educational Modules?
2.Which module(s) have you completed? (check all that apply)
3.Please indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements.
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
I gained new knowledge from the module(s).
I will use the information I learned from the module(s) in my work.
I am likely to share what I learned with others (colleagues, patients, clients).
Completing the modules was a good use of my time.
I felt the format of the module(s) was effective for learning.
4.What aspects of these modules (e.g., quiz, additional resources, etc.) did you find particularly helpful for learning the content? Please explain.
5.What aspects of these modules did you find less helpful for learning the content? Please explain.
6.If you have any additional comments or suggestions for improving the modules, please share them here.
7.What topics would you like to see covered by future modules on maternal and child environmental health?