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ScienceLIVE's mission is to 1) motivate early scientific curiosity and enthusiasm for training or careers within science, technology, engineering, and mathematical (STEM) fields; 2) highlight diversity among practicing scientists in order to help combat gender and underrepresented minorities (URM) gaps in American science and inspire young students with the vision that anyone can pursue STEM professions; 3) encourage UMMS pre- and post-doctoral researchers (trainees) to teach and share their love of science with students; and 4) cultivate a spirit of community service and connection with the local community for our trainees. 

We coordinated with Worcester Public Schools (WPS) to offer modules to all Worcester Public 7th and 8th graders in the Spring of 2021; we ended up presenting to over 1800 middle school students!  The involvement of UMMS graduate students and postdoctoral fellows present the educational hands-on science activities (what we call “modules”) to students in the Worcester area. The content and materials are already developed for 4 modules that will be provided to the presenters. In addition to email exchanges for scheduling, etc, a minimal 4-hour commitment to this project includes 1 hour commitments on different calendar days, which will be designated as:

1 (1 hr) watching a pre-recorded, completed module prior to a Q&A/training with Dr. Mary Pickering
1 (1 hr) run-through/best practices training with Dr. Mary Pickering
2 (1 hr) presentations of the module in the schools
We anticipate that there will be plenty of opportunity for interested volunteers to teach their module a 3rd or 4th time (1 hour each additional commitment), but no additional training would be required. Additionally, Mary will work with interested trainees to develop additional modules.  Participants will learn best practices for live virtual science experiences, how to engage young students, and develop their presentation skills to suit this audience. 

We are currently looking for a variety of volunteers to test experimental kits for students, present modules, chat moderate and/or develop content for modules for the 2021-22 school year. Please provide us with your information and we will be in touch shortly to schedule training. Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. What is your first name?

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* 2. What is your last name?

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* 3. What is your email address?

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* 4. What is your current position or trainee level?

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