Please help us improve by answering these brief 5 questions. We value your candid opinions about the class, instructor, and environment you encountered in the previous class session.  Your responses will remain anonymous. Your thoughts and ideas are important to us!

Question Title

* 1. On a scale from 1-10, how likely is it that you would recommend classes at the Lawrence Arts Center to friend or colleague?

Question Title

* 2. Title of class and name of instructor:

Question Title

* 3. Learning experience: Please rate your level of satisfaction with each of the following items below. 

  very satisfied satisfied dissatisfied very dissatisfied
quality of the instruction
organization of syllabus / content
level of diffculty
class projects
class size
studio procedures
physical condition of the studios

Question Title

* 4. Impact: Please rate the impact your class had on you.

  strong impact some impact no impact
knowledge of the medium
artistic skills and techniques
aesthetic awareness
venue for self expression
social connection
connection to the arts community

Question Title

* 5. Customer Service: Please rate your level of satisfaction with each of the following items below.

  very satisfied satisfied dissatisfied very dissatisfied
staff assistance
enrollment process
financial aid process
refunds and credits
class cancellation process

Question Title

* 6. Please share comments on customer service, learning experience and / or the impact of your class: