Savings/Investment Planning Advice

This is a questionnaire on you and your savings/investment planning requirements only. Castle Capital will use this information in order to recommend what we feel is the best plan for you. We will store your data and never share it with any third party. During the survey, we will gather your personal details and your attitude towards saving your money. When you submit your information we will design a plan suitable to you and present a proposal based on your needs.
Castle Capital Ltd t/a Castle Capital Financial Planning is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

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* 1. Personal Information

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* 2. Your Job

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* 3. What are you saving or investing for?

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* 4. How long are you looking to save/invest your money for?

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* 5. How much money are you approximately looking to save/invest?

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* 6. We are now going to discover how you feel about investing your money by asking a series of statements. Firstly, how do you feel about this statement:

I would enjoy exploring investment opportunities for my money.

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* 7. I would go for the best possible return even if there were risk involved.

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* 8. How would you describe your typical attitude when making important financial decisions?

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* 9. What amount of risk do you feel you have taken with your past financial decisions?

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* 10. To reach my financial goal I prefer an investment which is safe and grows slowly but steadily, even if it means lower growth overall.

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* 11. When I consider investments that have an element of risk I feel quite anxious.

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* 12. Imagine that six months after making an investment the financial markets start to perform badly. In line with this, your own investment goes down by a significant amount. What would your reaction be?

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* 13. I am looking for high investment growth. I am willing to accept the possibility of greater losses to achieve this.

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* 14. If you had money to invest, how much would you be willing to place in an investment with possible high returns but a similar chance of losing some of your money?

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* 15. How do you think that a friend who knows you well would describe your attitude to taking financial risks?

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* 16. If you had picked an investment with potential for large gains but also the risk of large losses how would you feel:

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* 17. Imagine that you have some money to invest and a choice of two investment products, which option would you choose?

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* 18. I would prefer small certain gains to large uncertain ones.

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* 19. When considering a major financial decision which statement BEST describes the way you think about the possible losses or the possible gains?

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* 20. I want my investment money to be safe even if it means lower returns.

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* 21. Are you familiar with the ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) approach to investment?

Never Heard of Very Familiar

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* 22. What is your attitude to climate change and do you think companies should be held accountable for their impact on the environment?

Not Concerned Utmost Importance

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* 23. Is investing responsibly or sustainably important to you when considering how and where you would place your money?

Not Concerned Deciding Factor

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* 24. From a risk profile perspective, it is important to note that the longer you invest, the greater opportunity you have to gain an investment return. Given your current age (time frame of investment), your capacity to lose money over that time frame, how flexible are you in terms of investment choice?

Not Flexible, stick with my anticipated investment profile. I understand I need to give my investment a chance to earn. Very Flexible, increase my investment profile.

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* 25. Please confirm that you consent to your data being stored by us, not shared with any other 3rd party and only processed to provide you with relevant financial advice and services. You also consent to our terms of business.