About this survey

Residents of Sandhurst Parish, together with other interested parties, are invited to comment on the Pre-Submission Version Sandhurst Neighbourhood Plan. The Neighbourhood Plan sets a vision and planning policies for our parish for the coming years to 2038.

Please read the full text of the Neighbourhood Plan and the policies and indicate how strongly, or otherwise, you agree with each policy. You can open a copy of the Plan in a new window by visiting the Neighbourhood Plan website.

Please tick the appropriate box to record your views on each policy and add any additional comments you wish to make.

We estimate that it should take approximately 5 to 10 minutes to complete.
Please try to complete the whole survey, as your views are extremely important to us.
Our 14 Neighbourhood Plan policies:

Question Title

* 1. To what extent do you agree with the following policies?

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
Policy S1: Location of development
Policy S2: Meeting local housing needs
Policy S3: Character and design of development
Policy S4: Energy efficiency and design
Policy S5: Conserving heritage assets
Policy S6: Supporting flexible workspaces and opportunities for homeworking
Policy S7: Green and blue infrastructure and delivering biodiversity net gain
Policy S8: Local green spaces
Policy S9: Locally significant views
Policy S10: Dark skies
Policy S11: Improving safe movement and promoting active modes of travel
Policy S12: Publicly accessible parking
Policy S13: A village hub for Sandhurst
Policy S14: Improving opportunities for community and cultural facilities, sport and recreation

Question Title

* 2. Do you have any comments on the Design Guidance and Codes that have been prepared for the parish?

Question Title

* 3. Please provide any comments you have on the Non-Policy Actions (Community projects) contained in Section 13 of the Sandhurst Neighbourhood Plan?

Question Title

* 4. For analysis and response purposes, if you are willing, please provide your name, address and email.

A summary of all comments made will be publicly available. Please note that personal information provided will be confidential and processed in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulations.

The Parish Council will process your details in relation to the preparation of the Chobham Neighbourhood Plan only.

As part of the Consultation and in line with the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), please confirm that you are content for the Parish Council to pass on your contact details (name, address/email address) to Tunbridge Wells Borough Council so that they can contact you at next formal stage of consultation.

Question Title

* 5. I confirm that I am happy for the Parish Council to pass my contact details to Tunbridge Wells Borough Council

Thank you for completing the survey. Please click 'Done' to submit your answers.